I'd just like to show you all my new car. Don't worry, it's not new, in fact it's roughly 15 years old. Buying a car is the last thing I wanted to do, but the only car I had was my step dad's truck which got about 2 miles to the gallon and took over $60 to fill up. This car, which I will either name Sexy Beast or Lucky (because it's green and I REALLY need it to be lucky and not break down). What name do you think? Any new name suggestions?

So yeah! A '93 Ford Escort is my new friend. I hate Fords, yuck, but whatever... it was $500 and I got insurance today for really cheap. $180 for 6 months!!! HAHA! That's incredible.
Dang, that ripped, torn down roof is so hot.
Check out des' boomers that came wit' it! Holler! (...and if it breaks down, I'll sell the sound system and probably make money on this...)

And ma' chrome rims? Daaaaang! They musta' cost at least a few grand. Shoooot, they so hot.
Now let's hope nothing happens to this dang car.


Anonymous said...

this is one pretty sweet car!!and whats the name challenge about??? this is such a SEXY BEAST! no doubt about it!

Anonymous said...

YES! Go dilapidated '93 Ford Escorts! (or mine might be '92, but the point remains:)) It's amazing what we're willing to deal with just so long as it has four wheels and goes from point A to point B! Congratulations!

Ande Truman said...

Nice! Dilapidated-Escort-Owners Unite!

Does yours sound like a tractor, or is that just mine? That sound system is nice to have in it cause I can just turn it up loud so I don't hear the engine :D So THAT'S why people get sound systems in crappy cars! I never knew...