1) I promise to take a break from talking about why America is failing and why Christians are failing. I've been really frustrated with a number of things in my life lately and those things are just to name a few. There are an incredible amount of personal battles I'm facing that are kinda hard to explain though, so I've been kinda cynical lately. Sorry.

Tonight I decided that I need to change the strategy of how I'm living my life right now. It's not working...what I mean is my attitude towards this situation, towards myself mainly, and how I'm neglecting myself in a lot of really important ways because I'm so caught up in other things which are out of my hands. I guess I won't get into that though.

2) I'm waking up in 7 hours to hit the airport and fly off to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'll be gone till next Monday at a missions conference, if you don't know already. This isn't a sit-back-and-relax kind of conference for me though, on the contrary it's going to be stressful because I'm one of the speakers. This isn't for one certain building either, I'm visiting 6 different churches, speaking once or twice at each church for up to an hour each from Sunday to Sunday.

These churches are up to 2 hours away from each other and I have to get a rental car and find my way around Pennsylvania/Ohio. I'll also be sleeping at like 4 different people's houses too which are scattered everywhere... so lots of logistics to think about.
I don't know how much I'll have internet access while I'm gone

I'm excited to go, but also very nervous to speak so many times in front of sooo many people. Not to mention I feel about a thousand pounds and all my dressy clothes suck right now so I'm feeling a little self conscious which makes me not be confident and comfortable---so I could definitely use your prayers about just being comfortable enough to communicate what God's been doing in my life.

I think that I'll either come back from this refreshed with all the encouragement, or burned out from telling my story a hundred times.

Okay, time for bed, catch you on the flip side.

OH WAIT! #3!
Check this out... I was watching a documentary on Sacred Harp singing (http://youtube.com/watch?v=YHUfHNEZDPc&feature=related) and got very interested in this genre of music. It's a fascinating documentary, and in short explains that it is the earliest known form of music in America. It is distinguishing because the congregation faces each other, sings very loudly and with odd harmonies, uses no instruments, and usually move their arms to the beat. It's not necessarily gorgeous music, but when you take in the historical and cultural significance of this genre, and don't get irritated at the volume, it's really neat. I think they had it on that good movie, Cold Mountain with hot Jude Law. Here's another example...http://youtube.com/watch?v=M2Wg6QBi7A4

Is anyone else out there as tired as I am of hateful Christians? It's no surprise that so many people can't stand us. I'm sorry, I know that since I've started this blog I write a lot about this, but am I really the only one bothered by this!?

Let's examine a few instances of idiotic things that have been done "in the name of God" just in the past few years (or weeks) that scare people away from the faith, rightly so...

  • Jaramiah Wright, Barack Obama's RACIST PREACHER preaches that the U.S. government has lied to their people by inventing the AIDS virus and injecting black people with it... and says God Damn America... and that the KKK and white-on-black racism still reigns... and says ignorant false statements about WW2 and 9/11 to make the U.S. look ridiculous...all in the name of God and His Word. (Oh and by the way Jaramiah, Jesus wasn't black! Nor was he white, you white folk out there.)
  • Another black preacher went on national television to state that Obama was BORN trash, pimps big-boobed white and black women, called his father a whore... THEN claims that everything he just said was biblical and he is totally justified.
  • The Westboro Baptist Church members who walk around with signs at funerals and main events that say "God hates fags", "Thank God for dead miners", "God blew up the shuttle', "Pray for more dead soldiers". (I wouldn't be surprised if they get blown away by a drive-by one day)
  • Jerry Falwell. Need I say more?
  • Catholic priests sexually abusing young boys.
  • Of course who can forget the Crusades, the Inquisition, Witch Burning, and the KKK!

I just read this on a blog of a man who used to be a preacher and has rejected the faith... "...take Christ out of the word Christian. Why? Because you suck as a representative. You really do." Though I wouldn't agree with taking Christ out of Christian, just leave a "chun" sound at the end (wait..maybe that's ingenious! Being a Christian without Christ is just being a CHUN! Or wait, howabout this, since we suck at representing Christ as Christians, we can call ourselves Chuns in hopes of communicating that Christ is what makes us who we are, oh nevermind!)...anyway, I would agree that we suck as a representative. We all fall short of the glory of God, brother. I agree whole heartedly.

That doesn't give a cause to lose heart though--I hope that stupid things that Christians do and say (including ourselves) give us more reason to try and be as Christlike as possible. In a really twisted way I wonder if we're better off having the world full of lukewarm Christians, or wacko nutcases mixed with real genuine Christians.

In Don Miller's book, Blue Like Jazz, his friend persuades their group of friends to have a confession booth at their colleges. Everyone in the group thought that he wanted other people to confess their sins to the group...but instead, here's what happens:
"Okay, you guys." Tony gathered everybody's attention. "Here's the catch." He leaned in a little and collected his thoughts. "We are not actually going to accept confessions." We all looked at him in confusion. He continued, "We are going to confess to them. We are going to confess that, as followers of Jesus, we have not been very loving; we have been bitter, and for that we are sorry. We will apologize for the Crusades, we will apologize for televangelists, we will apologize for neglecting the poor and the lonely, we will ask them to forgive us, and we will tell them that in our selfishness, we have misrepresented Jesus on this campus. We will tell people who come into the booth that Jesus loves them."

All of us sat there in silence because it was obvious that something beautiful and true had hit the table with a thud. We all thought it was a great idea, and we could see it in each other's eyes. It would feel so good to apologize, to apologize for the Crusades, for Columbus and the genocide he committed in the Bahamas in the name of God, apologize for the missionaries who landed in Mexico and came up through the West slaughtering Indians in the name of Christ. I wanted so desperately to say that none of this was Jesus, and I wanted so desperately to apologize for the many ways I had misrepresented the Lord."

Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse with all this Christian love stuff--but I figure, a) it's our greatest commandment and we kinda suck at it and b) it's turning people away from the faith, therefore we should perk up and start paying attention.

Anyone smell what I'm steppin' in?

People who:

  • Want to be entertained and excited
  • Love to see cruelty and death
  • Are discontent with average entertainment
  • Are vain, greedy and luxurious
  • Are extremely proud

Who are these people? Typical Romans around 400 A.D. sitting in The Coliseum, cheering for the emperor to allow a brutal and torturous slaughter of a human being (and/or a Christian martyr) for their own entertainment. The Romans eventually became completely desensitized and disgusting people before they were overthrown.

Who else are these people? Typical Americans/Westerners sitting in a movie theater or living room cheering for Hollywood to continue to make them movies about brutal and torturous slaughter or human beings for their own entertainment. We've become very desensitized to gore, dehumanizing each other so that we can be shocked at the next director who crosses the lines to show the more shocking death scenes. (Saw 1-3 is a prime example). We're becoming twisted and perverted! I am not under the impression that this is going to ever improve either.

  • A decline in morals and values
  • A decline in public health
  • Political corruption
  • Unemployment
  • Inflation
  • Urban decay
  • Inferior technology

These are the main reasons Rome fell. Do you think these things also point to the American nation? In my opinion, we are becoming the modern day Rome. History repeats itself- it's just a matter of time till it comes into fruition.

Who will save us? Not a manipulative female, a savvy racist, or a fickle coward (the presidential candidates)... no, I'm afraid the only hope we have here is God to have mercy on this country that is in the middle of going down the tubes. This country is becoming a scary place to live and I haven't even been around to see how the "olden days" were. Our economy is going down the tubes too, and I'm afraid to see where we're going. This country needs prayer.

Lately I've been trying to figure out why I always try to find two sides of every story or point of view. I am always trying to ride the middle ground for most things. That's not good for certain areas, like biblical truths or something, but in general if I don't keep this anti-dogmatic point of view I feel naive or like a know-it-all.

I'm not explaining that very well, but I'll move on. Today it hit me that I am constantly being surrounded by extremes in my life. Even in my own heart I realize it's a miracle I haven't accepted these extremes. What I'm speaking of is more familial or social influences- I grew up with these extremes and they haven't left me and still affect me greatly.

One side of this crowd that I know is extremely right wing, strict, short tempered, racist, judgmental, impatient, white-picket-fence, America-is-all-there-is, bigots.

Another side of the crowd is disgusting, vile, lying, stealing, abusive, free-spirited, nomadic, lazy degenerates.

Another more recent side of the fence (can there be 3 sides of the fence? Oh well...) is the crowd that is spiritually mature, friendly, gracious, loving, and just plain great.

What's funny is that Crowd A hates B and C. Crowd B hates A and C. Yet Crowd C loves and accepts both A and B.
I've grown up riding this fence of extremes, being forced to get along with both types of people...like a trapeze artist who's balancing pole dips down on both sides to stay on.

Half are environmental friendly, while the other half doesn't give a rat's rear about the earth.
Half love to travel and move around, while the other half is afraid of leaving their town.
Half are understanding and patient, while the other half is bipolar and hot-headed.
Half have fowl and crude mouths, while the other half are neo-Puritans.
Half are appreciative and passionate about music, while the other half considers music a waste of time.
Half are devout Christians, while the other half are atheists or God-haters.
Half give their kids freedom to explore and learn, while the other half are micro-managers.

These are just a few examples, but I've just realized that I only have a select number of people in my life who fall into this "normal" category- people who have chosen to ride the fence of normalcy with me. People who learn to compromise, to look beyond the black and white, to be open-minded. We need more people like that in the world.

Anyway, I didn't have too much of a point to this, but just to say that maybe that's why I ride the fence on so many worldviews...cause I try to understand both sides of the story because I've been so exposed to extremes in my life. I don't want to become a relativist and think that everything is okay for everyone depending on the circumstance, but it's important to keep in mind different points of view.

I don't want to be a downer, but it's one of those facts-of-life kind of things that isn't that happy to read about. It's also another one of those things that mean something to me but bringing it up in conversation is hard cause I don't want pity.

Anyway, it's the 15th anniversary of my dad passing away today. For those of you that don't know, it was brain cancer and I was 9. My brother, sister and mom remember it every year and just try to remember him. I didn't make it out to the graveyard like I usually do, but I'll go tomorrow. Anyway, he was sick for a few years I think before he passed. Eventually Hospice had to take over to come and take care of him. I don't remember as much as I think I should know about him- most of what I know is from what people still talk about today.

He was pretty big in the church, from what I've heard. I know at least once he preached from the pulpit for Sunday school- I said once on here that I have some recordings of his sermon but I'm a little freaked out to listen to it.

Ever have those random moments in time that don't really mean anything, but for some reason you have those visions you can't forget? I have a few of those with my dad, or about that whole season in our lives. I won't go into those details though, but they're there...like looking at the brown bottles of herbs he had to take, wheeling around on his wheelchair, being so angry because he made me help him balance his checkbook with him and he finally let me leave, brushing our teeth, fishing, hearing him fall in the shower, and his bed we had to set up downstairs by the piano cause he couldn't climb the stairs. Not saying that to be intentionally sad, but I guess if I write down anything I remember I won't forget, eh?

Almost everything else I know about him was from videos and pictures. Some of his old pictures remind me of John Lennon kinda. Maybe that's why I like him! I don't have any good ones of him online, but I'll get one.

I don't mind talking about it 'cause it's just a fact of life. I'm sure if I was older when this had happened I wouldn't be so cool with it, but I was young enough for it to be faint memories. Obviously the lack of a father figure growing up and still today is incredibly hard to cope with sometimes but that's a whole other bag o' worms I don't need to open tonight.

I just took a few hours to go hunting in our family albums for photos of him. There's this one picture I'm dying to find but after all those hours I couldn't find it. Funny, at the beginning of writing this I was pretty disconnected with what I was writing and it wasn't affecting me, but after seeing all these photos I need to stop and sleep -- because emotions and late nights don't mix well.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term RUE, as I was, it is a synonym for sorrow that is mixed with regret. I don't want to get into that now. Thinking about him gets harder for me the older I get and this year was hard. OKAY! TIME TO GO! No more thinking.

Fare thee well. (I'm putting the pictures I found on Facebook if you're interested)

So I was in this discussion with some people tonight about all sorts of crap for at least 2 hours or so: the end of the world, meteors, art, dreams, cervical herpes (don't ask), and all sorts of other stuff.

I mentioned that I've been dreaming a lot lately, most of them a little frightening. One of them I had remembered just as we were talking about the subject too. I'm standing in my bathroom (at the house I'm at now, the one I grew up in) on the second floor of the house. Looking out the window you see a yard and tons of trees. While looking out the window, all of the sudden an enormous tsunami-sized wall of water, hundreds of feet high, comes ripping through the woods as I'm watching it. It comes so strong and hard and fast and it slams into our house, so hard that it shakes the house. Within what seemed like a second or less the water from this wave reaches the 2nd floor window where I'm standing. Then I wake up.

Doesn't sound all that scary maybe but in the dream it was terrifying because of course I thought it was real.

So I told them about this dream and one of them is slightly knowledgeable about "dream interpretations". By the way, I'm 50/50 on that kind of thing, but it really is interesting- I'm a little infatuated with the dream world. ANYway, he tells me that from what he's researched in dream symbolism with huge waves, etc. is that there is a lot of internal stress/tension/anxiety...which is so true in my situation right now. Of course he said more about this that made more sense than what I'm saying, but it's 2:30 am and my brain is starting to shut down.

I just think that's interesting. I do believe, from what I've read, seen and experienced, that dreams are a subconscious way of manifesting ideas, greatest fears, utopic thoughts, and also concepts and thoughts which in a way you maybe can't handle consciously thinking about.

An enormous fear of mine is that a child will die or get seriously injured while I'm responsible for him or her...likely in the context of babysitting or driving them somewhere. I am really paranoid about it. Last week I had a dream that a kid I know very well had drowned in a pool and I was with the mother when we found the kid and I heard just like 1 second of the mother's reaction. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep for like 2 hours. He said this was maybe a way of my brain telling me that I don't agree with certain aspects of the way this mother raises her child (I don't want to get into detail with this, but he was right in saying that).

Anyway, whatever, this probably isn't interesting to you but I felt like writing something tonight. I don't write much when I'm in Mebane. It's this place. I'll stop there though- too many gossiping tongues to rat me out.

Well, I've seen three movies in the past two weeks that I've really enjoyed. So I thought I'd share them. All three are completely different from another- one's a comedy teen pregnancy, one highlights racial tensions in the U.S. and the other is about a kid who escapes society to live in the wild and travel...all three good.

I've already said my peace about Juno. Can be a bit crude but an all in all a good flick. More of an explanation to the right ----------> over there....

I saw Crash for the 3rd time as well. I would recommend checking it out, as long as you're not too sensitive to swearing. I've heard people say how much they didn't like it- how it was really depressing and pointless and how it highlighted the worst characteristics of humanity. Another person said it was the best movie they've ever seen- so obviously it's a love/hate movie. It tries to shed some light on cultural and social differences and tensions in the United States. If you're not from the states I think it would be especially interesting- at least if I put myself in the shoes of someone who wasn't familiar with that tension here. Yeah, sure they highlighted on many of the examples all in one flic which might have been overwhelming or unrealistic for some, but I thought it was accurate from the tension which I've personally seen myself.

It's almost 4 a.m. right now and I just finished watching Into The Wild....and for a movie to keep my attention in the wee hours of the morning says something. This was a movie that originated from a book that was written from a true story. In short, it's about a college graduate kid from a rich, messed up family who decides to disappear in the world for a while- traveling, backpacking, hitchhiking. His goal is to get to Alaska and live in the wild for a while. I most definitely won't tell you the ending though! And don't read ahead if you want to see the movie either! One person said they were so angry at this kid for rebelling against their parents and they considered this kid a real moron for doing what he did. I gotta say it was such a fantastic film- I completely disagree with their opinion and I have zero complaints about it. I thought it was shot well, I loved the story, I loved the genuine acting.. and most of all, I really sympathize with this kid's outlook on life in general. I envied his desire and willingness to do what he did. I don't think I could or would do it, but I totally understood his outlook. I wanted to be where he was, doing what he was doing... except a certain part in the movie which I will not spoil for you though. Anyway, it's about 2 hours long, and if you're not into the outdoors or sympathize with his wanderlust, then you probably won't like it. But if you're interested, just sit back and be patient and check it out.

Sorry, but I'm in a blunt and frustrated mood tonight and there's something that's just been bothering me lately. It's this whole idea of traditions mixed with religion. I'm not just bothered by this on the surface but in my heart of hearts, it saddens me to the core. What I mean by 'tradition mixed with religion' is that we are constantly mixing oil and water that don't belong together.

Oil being a heart felt relationship with Jesus Christ, an emotional, spiritual, natural, organic, intellectual, curious need-for-understanding and complete obsessive love for the Father God of Heaven.

Water being traditional, in-the-box, man-made, superstitious, judgmental, fundamentalist, routine, ritualistic and EMPTY social expectations.

I want to find a roof and scream this somewhere! It infuriates me to the point of tears tonight as I sit back and reflect on this topic and it breaks my heart. I am constantly baffled by the complete ignorance of so many people, namely westerners that I'm familiar with.

Our western society is stuck in the shackles of tradition and social expectations so much to the point that we are losing the battle against Satan himself for no reason. We are so set on which denomination in the Christian religion is more correct than the other, and we are so focused on nit-picking these things that we have lost sight of not only our Heavenly Father but His expectations for us on this earth while we are here.

Fundamentalist mentality: I have a "Message" Bible right now. It's the only Bible I've had where I look forward to reading it. Why? Cause it speaks in normal language- something someone might say to me across the table in a conversation. I look at verses in a new light, I understand things more, I read it quicker, it sinks in, and the language is colorful. And ya know what? It's bright flipping pink! I mean blinding pink. I got the color cause it was on sale, okay? My nephew saw it today and said, "What is that?" I said "A bible". He says, "But Bibles aren't pink!" I say "Why not?" But I run into so many people who are dead-set 100% against the Message translation because it's too "far from the original" and there's danger in that. It's like the Christian rebel's bible or something. Well by "original" they mean the King James version of NKJV. Who made a rule that said that the harder it is to understand, the better? I completely disagree with this notion that just because a Bible is translated into modern day language makes it any worse of a means to share or understand the Gospel- because I tell you what, 99% of people out there who are against the teachings of Christianity will not give the KJV the time of day! People are losing sight of the big picture here: these are God's words that have been translated in modern day language. Someone give me a legitimate reason why this is dangerous or evil? And don't tell me tradition!

Another fundamentalist mentality is that one particular denomination in the Christian faith is not only the best, but the only real means of becoming a true, devout, and mature Christian. Baptists think Presbyterians are wrong. Anglicans think Baptists are wrong. You get my point. Who has the right to presume that only one particular and specific denomination is false? I say this understanding that there is a thin line there- obviously I believe there are false religions and false teachings out there--but why dig such huge trenches in the midst of our fellow believers with only small differences? Because one person thinks that baptism via dunking is holier than baptism via sprinkling? Is it not opinion (within reason)? I have seen over and over that these seemingly insignificant differences have caused such massive rifts in the Christian faith and between believers that we lose great amounts of respect for eachother! Yet again we are losing sight of the big picture: we are all believers, we are working towards the same goal and more than likely we'll end up in the same place.

Traditions: When we grasp on to the ideas of traditions more strongly than the spirit of our living God, we are headed in a terrible direction. When we forget why why are doing something and do it anyway because it's tradition and your mom did it, and your mom's mom did it, it becomes empty and God isn't pleased. I am not saying that all traditions are wrong by any means, but look at all the empty rituals we do on a daily or weekly basis because we were taught to do it. Praying before meals without really thanking God with a conscience effort, getting married in a church without questioning whether that's necessary, or even accepting occasions like lent, Easter or Christmas. Not being able to wear pants to church, believing that only a piano in church is appropriate instead of other instruments as well, etc. Again, I'm not saying that any of this is necessarily wrong, but how often do you really have communion with God and pray for wisdom and understanding in these matters while doing them or believing them? Do you only do them because you're expected to fulfill traditions, or are you really believing them? From what I understand of the Catholic faith, this is a prime example of empty rituals and works being done with no conscious meaning.

Speaking of expectations,
Social expectations: This is a big one that is hard for me sometimes, because from the word "Social", I realize that these expectations are mostly meaningless! If you throw out everything you know about traditions, everything your teacher told you in Sunday school, and really get to the bottom of these social expectations, I find myself questioning how relevant they really are. With social expectations come a huge rift in fellowship - we are human, and if you're reading this you're probably in a sort of "western" modern culture. People like us are generally prideful, money-hungry, gossiping, hateful, spiteful creatures at heart, no matter how much we cover it up. In places like where I live, most people think you are expected to be successful, to be wealthy, to get married and have 2.5 kids with your white-picket fence, to stay in one place until you die, to dress nice for church on Sunday mornings... to dislike fat people, stupid people, ugly people, anyone faintly resembling a middle easterner, the drug addicts, people with mohawks, gangster looking men, men with makeup, women with short skirts- whatever, you get my point, there is a big bowl of characteristics we should be in, and there's a big bowl of characteristics which we should hate about other people. Not just dislike or hate, but to disrespect them to their face, or as we're professionals about this in the south: talk about them quietly but loud enough to where they can hear.

I tell you that if any one of those people were to come into an area of a large portion of the Christians I know, there would be no love, no respect, there would be judgments and whispers.

I think of the ways that many Christians I know share the Gospel. By evangelizing, they mean the only way to do that is to stand on a street corner and scream at someone, make sure that person knows they're going to burn in Hell, sit them down immediately and urge them to receive Christ like a sunburn, pray a short prayer, and voila! Instant Christian! I'm sorry but I don't know a single person that doesn't believe in Christ that would give Christianity a second thought, in fact it would turn them away much farther I believe.

I am someone that believes in living your life as Christ-like as possible and sharing your joy with everyone you can. They SEE that, they're not idiots. They see how miserable we are and how spiteful we act. They expect us to live what we speak and we're failing miserably.

And speaking of our expectations... you will come to find out that people with the "expected" life are miserable and depressed. In a study done by a British scientist, the U.S. is ranked as #23rd in the World's Happiest Countries (according to wealth, health care, poverty, suicides, etc). I believe that a big reason for that is because of these empty expectations that we're held to for no biblical reason- we expect that having these things will make us happy- so we get the house, the pile of bills, the spouse, the kids, the dog, and we realize that "OH, well poo, I thought all these things would make me happy and they didn't!" and we turn hopeless and miserable. More importantly, where does it say in the Bible we should do this? NOWHERE! In fact, Paul recommended to us to have next to nothing, not even a mate!

And we're surprised why people aren't interested in Christianity!? (I am mainly talking about a large portion of North Americans from their late teens to mid 30's). I know I probably beat this subject like a dead horse but yet again I go back to love! The Lord says our greatest commandment is to love. Love God, Love people, that's it. It wasn't "Love God, Love people, wear only skirts and dresses to church, feel obviously uncomfortable with flaming homosexuals, make comments in Wal-Mart about fat people, and above all, don't forget your empty traditions."

I've rambled a lot in this entry but my biggest concern is for people in modern society who are muddying up the waters with all of these distractions. Paul says this in Phillipians, and YES I'm taking it from the Message! I think Paul knew what he was talking about in regards to people getting distracted from our purpose and goal! This is a long passage but it goes quick, and it's good!

7-9 The very credentials these people are waving around as something special, I'm tearing up and throwing out with the trash—along with everything else I used to take credit for. And why? Because of Christ. Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant—dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by him. I didn't want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ—God's righteousness.

10-11 I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself. If there was any way to get in on the resurrection from the dead, I wanted to do it.

12-14 I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.

15-16 So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.

17-19 Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I've warned you of them many times; sadly, I'm having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.

20-21 But there's far more to life for us. We're citizens of high heaven! We're waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.

I think Paul has the right idea here. He's kind of my biblical hero. I truly am sorry if you've read this and are offended at what I've said...but another sort of tradition as we as Christinas have is this: if you disagree with someone theologically, there should be a rift in the relationship. I see it all the time! It's totally fine if you completely disagree with what I believe here because in the big picture, we're still on the same team and we're all headed towards the same goal!

I feel very passionately about falling away from what Christ intended us to be as believers. I feel unceasingly disturbed about how we as a people are taking liberties in Christ's words and commands and ruining them, making them so unbelievably routine and ritualistic. I think we're headed on a wrong path and if you've agreed with anything I've said here then I think we'll be going upstream against the current! Call this spiritual immaturity if you want, or even worldly naivety, but these problems mean something to me and I don't think God is pleased.

What I feel like writing about has no real value, no spiritual or social significance. I've been home for a few weeks and there were a few things I've noticed about this place possibly worth mentioning.

My 'parents' go to bed at like 9:30 p.m. I enjoy staying up late, at least between 12 and 2 a.m. They are also extremely light sleepers. So much so, I pretty much have to transform into a ninja. I just happen to be wearing black pants and a black shirt right now, so my ninja status is getting more solid. What I mean is that I have to be completely silent for hours at a time. I have to tiptoe around and open/close everything in stealth mode. It's maddening! I've even adopted a silent ninja laugh. It's so high pitched and quiet, only dogs can hear it.

Deer here are everywhere. It's a real problem. Whenever I drive on back roads I'm always paranoid and looking for those little glowing eyes. I have what I call a "deer intuition". I can't really explain it any other way than saying I just have a strong feeling when I think deer are going to appear. Deer have hit me two separate times and it is seriously scary. I hate it. So anyway, I was just going to say that the other night I had a strong feeling I was going to see deer and just as I was entering my neighborhood I saw about 9 or 10 deer running across the road. It was cool.

Music here sucks. The radio stations are filled with redneck music- even the rock stations have old nasty good ol' boy rock too... and since I don't have my Subaru with my iPod connection and speakers, driving in the car isn't nearly as fun anymore. I like driving a manual truck though- fun as!

This has nothing to do with being home, I just feel like venting. In fact it's been on my mind for years!! When I was a kid, well in middle and high school, I used to watch this show called Great Chefs almost every day after school. It's apparently the oldest cooking show on TV - very hard core. These guys were so professional, so fantastic, they usually didn't even speak English, they were usually ugly, and they usually never spoke a word on the entire show. There was a narrator who was from New Orleans and she spoke so eloquently, and the only thing they ever talked about was FOOD.

I hate with a passion these new cooking shows with these beautiful men and women actors (not even real chefs) who really only do it for the money because they've built a reputation for a 'sweet personality'. They talk about nonsense, their family, politics, people in the audience, and speak from a script. Who cares about what you have to say! And your recipes suck! You're not real chefs! OH!! And stop taking big bites of your own food on national television. We all know it's probably good, you don't have to fake it with that horrible reaction, like, "Ohhh yeah... yeah that's good." What are you going to do, take a bit and say, "Holy Gouda, Batman! That tastes like pure vomit!"
