For the untrained nose, Dancing Waters Antibacterial Hand Soap from Bath and Body works might smell like normal soap. But not to me... Last week I was in the back seat of a family member's car on our way to B&BW to get some cool sale stuff. While we were driving that person and their friend lit up a blunt. Of course the smell hit my like a ton of bricks and sorta made me wanna gag it was so strong. We got to the store and the people who had been smoking up were shoving scents in my face asking me to smell them and if I liked them. Well, all I smelled was weed on their hands. So I ended up buying this soap right here, and now every time I use it to wash my hands or face, all I smell is weed.

Also, I don't foresee myself ever buying 99 cent toothpaste ever again.
Yucky pants!

Also Also, I was cooking today (for 160 people, ack!) and as I was cleaning freshly cut Swiss Chard leaves, a spider as big as my freaking face was sitting with her eggs on it. I'm not even going to tell you how grossed out / freaked out I was. At Chestnut Ridge we don't worry about hairs getting in the food, we worry about spiders.


Monica Gamez said...

So you're afraid of spiders too? I thought it was just Craig. :) Big nasty spiders are not fun.

Ande Truman said...

Oh you bet! Hate them. In all the places in the world, I've never seen so many spiders as there are right here where I live in NC. I think it probably spawns from watching the movie Arachnophobia as a child. That stuff will mess you up, yo.