I have a presentation tomorrow morning at a local PCA church. I would appreciate prayers about this! I've never been to the church, (don't even know where it is yet exactly), don't know anyone in the Church either. I'll be speaking during the adult sunday school for about 45 minutes and then they'll show a video of mine for about 10 minutes for the whole church. It's not an enormous crowd, but I get a little nervous before any size of a crowd.

To get home from where I work, I can either choose the highway or the backroads. It's funny cause usually when I'm mentally healthy (I've noticed) I'll take the backroads because the scenery is really nice, especially at sunset...even though it takes more for gas that way. I usually don't take it after dusk because that's when the deer come out and it's kinda hard to see them. Last night I took a chance because I really wanted to keep listening to my new Coldplay album (which I will review in the next few days here). I'm usually extremely alert on back roads at night, to the point of looking like an old granny in the front seat. Last night I wasn't, cause I got WAY too much into one of the songs and kinda zoned out. Figures. Cause just as my zoning out set in, a huge deer ran out in the middle of the road in front of me and just stopped. It's almost dark, mind you, and still really hard to see them especially if your headlights don't make their eyes glow. So I slammed on my brakes as hard as I could and blew my horn and yelled at it for a minute. My backpack (with my laptop) and box full of presentation supplies flew to the windshield area and onto the floor, breaking a picture frame with a logo of my ministry on it. Bummer. At least I didn't hit that darn deer though- my mind can't handle buying another car right now.

This Thursday and Friday night in my kitchen was extremely hectic because it's a special evening for parents of the campers. I helped put together a menu, which happens to be vegan. Anyway, it's like a huge amount of sauteed veggies mixed with homemade pesto sauce and pasta, topped with some sauteed swiss chard and parm cheese and a bit of pesto on the plate. What makes this meal so difficult is that we are plating this food for every person- like, getting a plate and making the plate look pretty, which I really really enjoy..but also serving them all hot food at ONE TIME. Thursday night wasn't too bad, we had 80 people for the first meal and 80 for the second. Friday night however, kicked my butt. We had 175 people for the first meal and 150 for the second! Oh my goodness, it was insane. We plated about 325 dishes of food in very little time, just two of us. It was madness. And we're doing this every Friday night!!! AAAAHHH!

By the way, I wrote a few days ago about how the kitchen staff treats me with this "Who the **** do you think you are" kind of attitude...but let's just say that has totally gone away. Now they're coming to me for direction about everything, which is good but also kinda annoying too. I'd rather have it that way than the other though. Problem is, the kitchen gets really loud and I can't understand what those women say half the time so I'm always like, "WHAT?! HUH?!" and that gets super annoying after the 100th time in one meal.

Oh, and I had to get up at flipping 5 am this morning to serve 100 college students at work. That suuuuuuuuucked. I DON'T do mornings. I've been tired all day, and for the first time in a very long time, I took a nap during the day (that was not a Sunday, which is becoming more frequent these days).

Wasn't expecting to write all that. Hmm.