Lately I've been noticing that a lot of really REALLY nerdy dorky guys are hooking up with gorgeous women. What's up with that? I mean I dig nerds to an extent, but you girls out there who are getting married to complete cheeseheads, please tell me what you see in them! I'm not trying to be mean cause I'm a nerd to the fullest and shouldn't expect to hook up with a total babe. I guess women are just attracted to different things and choose to overlook certain things about their partner. Hmm...either I need to stop being so picky or something is in the water that is making beautiful women fall for modern-day Steve Urkels.
- Monica Gamez said...
Hehe! This post made me laugh! :) I guess I'm kinda married to a geek, well a Star Wars one anyway. He's cute enough I guess but its not my husbands looks that caught my attention. He's really funny and makes me laugh. That's what did it for me. Every girl has that thing that does it for them. :)
- June 24, 2008 at 12:15 AM
- Ande Truman said...
You're right!
- June 24, 2008 at 12:49 AM
Anonymous said...
that's my problem... i'm just too cool for the hotties. shoot! i need to start being less cool.
- June 24, 2008 at 12:42 PM
- Craig Sowder said...
It proves that there is hope for everyone, I guess.
I'd be interested in knowing exactly what couples you are referring to, though. - June 24, 2008 at 7:44 PM
- Ande Truman said...
Porter, I'm thinking you be more of a nerd and maybe chics will flock- good idea.
Craig...I'll write you not on this blog. (I thought you said "there is NO hope" before and I jumped all over you on my last comment..whoops! - June 24, 2008 at 11:54 PM