Cooked for 150 folks yesterday. It wasn't too terribly bad, no disasters besides me hating what I served. Except the dang AC is basically out in the kitchen so I'm cooking in 83 degree heat over hot stoves and ovens and sweat is like dripping off me. I hate being hot...especially in the kitchen, for the record. The floor is also extremely slick and I every time I turn a corner or just move I slide around everywhere around the knives and other such sharp things. So I've been waiting to see myself fall for months now. Of course I was turning a corner really fast and fell with a hand full of dishes. Fortunately, it was a smooth fall (if that's possible), not on my butt or face, and I wasn't carrying any important food. Downsides of moving fast? Yep. Staff training (for summer camp) is this week and it's really really weird to not be a part of it. It's hard to be frustrated and lonely in the kitchen and hear them cheering and playing games and being all friendly. I know if I was a staff member I would be lousy at it, just like my last year of counseling a few years ago, cause my mind is just somewhere else and I'm not into it. Still, just weird to be close and not involved. Gotta cook ALL day today, but only for like 50? I'm taking a break now cause I'm too hot and irritable to care about anything.


Craig Sowder said...

Hang in there... you're doing a good thing by helping out even if it is just cooking food. I don't think that is any less significant.

Ande Truman said...

Craig, my response to you here is the newest post I'm about to write... :)