Friends, I invite you to see my favorite place in North Carolina. This is where I've worked for 3 years, moved away, came back, and have been working since I've been back in North Carolina. This has been my place of sanity and of friends- it's been a place that has changed my life, from the very first day I started work until now. I was a counselor for those 3 years, working mostly year-round as well as in summer camp, fulfilling "normal" counselor duties as well as low ropes course, some high ropes course, kayaking, horse back riding, environmental education, initiative games, rock climbing and white water rafting, backpacking, tent camping, etc.

Since I've been back this year I have mostly been one of the cooks since I couldn't dedicate enough time or mental effort into being a counselor. Even though it's an unglamorous and dirty job, it has even taught me a lot about not only myself, but more about the camp and what we believe. Even in the kitchen we believe in eating as much fresh, local, healthy food as possible. We believe in using food scraps to feed other animals, like our pigs, goats, and even our worms! Yes, I grind up compostable scraps in the blender for our worms. We believe in being a steward of the land and of our bodies! We are even starting to grow a substantial amount of the food that we serve. In every aspect of camp we strive to serve God. I can't say enough good things about this place. (

Anyway, here's a link to some videos that they've made over the summer. It gives you a pretty good look into what camp life is all about!

- Click on Summer Camp 08'
- then Weekly Videos