I have a rhetorical question to ask you, as I sincerely want your opinion. (Mind you, if I don't like your opinion, I may choose to disregard it...ha!)

I've seen a trend in the home cooking world of women and men who are afraid to cook because they either don't have a recipe, don't like using recipes, hate following recipes, or don't have everything in a recipe they need. I mostly see that people just don't want to go through the hassle of cooking because they don't even want to bother with them.

I hate recipes. Well... okay, they're useful for some things, like baking. In baking you have to be precise and use perfect measurements because once it goes in the oven it better be right.

But there are so many types of dishes out there that simply don't require recipes. These are the things I love to cook because it allows culinary and artistic freedom. But not everyone likes, wants, or has enough confidence in their cooking skills to do this.

So here's your question: what do you think about a "cook book" that has no recipes in it? Let me explain. A book designed to teach people how to cook without recipes- to not be dependent on recipes- to use their brain, and with a little guidance and advice, make dishes on your own. Maybe have a list of ingredients, explain things about the dish- what kind of consistency it should have, basic cooking techniques, you know... but leaving the portions and stuff out of it. To me, this is what cooking is all about, using your brain and being creative according to your own preferences because most dishes don't need a recipe.

I don't know if I'm explaining myself well. But imagine the book being professionally published with slick photography of all the food on each page- and even pictures of the dish as it's being put together.

Do you think this is ridiculously stupid, or do you think it has any potential to be cool? Is this relevant to both clueless wives and mothers who don't know how to cook, singles who hate to cook, and recipe-dependent cooks?....or is it just silliness?


Petra said...

HA, send one of those books to Miriam :) she loves recipes and I laugh at her for it. I personally don't cook with recipes... I guss that's also why I don't bake.