Most of you probably know I was in a black Gospel choir for a while when I was away at college. Since then, I've become a huge fan of black Gospel music. Not all of it, mind you. Here are some examples of my favorite BG songs.

Favorite BG song...

We actually sang this one in my choir.

Sorry but I love the Sister Act movies! I like this scene especially.

Please excuse the bad dancers, cheesy light show, and terrible silver shirts... good song though!!! We did this one in my choir, oh my gracious it was crazy!

These songs seem to be much more enjoyable without watching them dance :)


Seggi said...

I LOVE the "happy day"!! ;)

Ande Truman said...

Yeah! Did you see Lauren Hill in there? The girl from the Fugees. I think this song is going to be in my head all day now :)

Seggi said...

no I haven't cuz i don't know her, which one is she?

Ande Truman said...

Oh girl! Okay, gonna introduce you to her and her music. In the Sister Act clip, after 17 seconds or so when the guy starts singing, she's the one in between Whoopie (nun)and the boy with the long hair up in a pony tail. That was her when she was young.

She then became a part of The Fugees (aka Refugees). Wyclef Jean is the other part of the Fugees who you might know. My favorite song by them is this: I sing this LOUD when it comes on!! :) It's a classic...

Oh and another classic one!

Then she did a solo album and I like this one of hers:
and her unplugged stuff: