(This post is especially so Craig can cringe...) A few nights ago I was watching the National Geographic channel, right? And a show came on about crazy animals that people around the world eat... okay, a little nasty, but nothing too crazy. Well then before I know it, they show a little toddler eating a tarantula! Not just like, with a fork and a knife on a plate, daintily picking it apart. No, this baby is digging into a tarantula like a birthday cake, with its' 8 legs wrapped around the kids cheeks.

If you don't know this about me yet, I am petrified of spiders and especially big ones and especially tarantulas...no joke. If you want to literally torture me, put one of them on me and tie me up. So it took me about .4 seconds of watching this happen on TV before my brain sent a signal to my finger to switch the channel. Three days later I still can't get that image out of my head! So I've had at least two dreams with tarantulas in the past few days. Last night in my dream I was down in my basement (creepy) and saw them crawling everywhere, which made me freak out when I woke up.

Anyway, they haunt me. I hate them. I wish they were never created.


Craig Sowder said...

Oh thanks... now I can't get that image out of my head either.

Ande Truman said...

Well I figured that if I tell someone else about it who is as petrified of spiders as I am, maybe the image will leave me... :)