I'm beginning to see the real face of media for what it really is. I'm starting to see not only the entire conglomerate media world, but the real people behind it who have formed itself into a big manipulative steaming poopball (kinda like a snowball but not so nice).
The incredible amount of influence that the media has on 99% of the world's population is astounding. The media and its' biased yet dogmatic opinion rules the world over all wars, politics, movies, politicians, music, and anything else left open to public dispute or interpretation. The problem is that the media consists of almost all liberals! Everyone already knows that though- no new news.
But what makes that so frustrating for me is coming to the realization that for the rest of my life I will be made fun of by the media, which is everywhere. Because I am a conservative Republican Christian, I will never get a break from being made fun of by someone out there until I die. It's hard to be surrounded by this cloud of mockery for everything I believe. (This will need another entry another day about being a Christian!) Not only will I get made fun of for being a republican who thinks Obama is a dangerous threat to our nation, but I will be inundated with media propaganda that makes him out to be a savior! It's astonishing to sit and watch U.S. TV for a little while and see how the news reporters react to Obama, versus say, McCain or Palin. They look for any opportunity to tear the republicans to shreds while they look for any opportunity to make Obama be faultless. We were watching an interview with Obama's sister tonight and my step dad noticed that they fixed her statement by snipping the video clips to line up out of order, totally changing the intent of what she was saying about Obama, making him out to look good instead of a racist.
Another example is hearing of a famous Hollywood actor (name slipped my mind at the moment) who wrote a public letter stating that he would not support Obama and why. He has been "blacklisted" from Hollywood - anyone else picturing Big Brother in 1984? Thought crimes against the libral Democratic party, much?
The media is influential and wants to woo you to its' liberal agenda and we can't let it. It's an implicit, manipulative force. If you're feeling hopeless about American media these days like me, I would recommend tuning in to a little Glen Beck. www.glenbeck.com I don't feel like I've really gotten my point across because it's late and I'm a bit woozy, so consider this the first installment of my frustration. :)
Posted by
Ande Truman
- Ande Truman said...
Every time I see that kitten picture I crack up, FYI.
- September 7, 2008 at 11:19 PM
Anonymous said...
John 15:18-19 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
- September 8, 2008 at 10:17 AM
- Ande Truman said...
- September 8, 2008 at 12:32 PM
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