What I'm about to say is my just my opinion, and not dogma so it's okay if you disagree. Even though it's absolutely true and anyone who thinks otherwise if a doofus. Kidding, but also not really.
As I was filling my gas tank up this morning at the station, dropping $41 and some change into my tank (that's just wrong), I noticed something that really frustrated me. Look, before I go any further, I don't mean to come off as nutty about this...because when people get so uptight about such small things, it's stupid...like Halloween for example- it's all about how you perceive it. Let your kids go get candy and dress up, they're not trying to worship Satan. Give your kids an Easter basket on Easter morning if you want to- doesn't bother me.
But here's a Holiday tradition that really bothers me. I talked about this on my first blog entry, but didn't really say what I wanted to. Back to my observation this morning at the gas station. Across the highway I see a ginormous billboard with a Z88.3 logo (that's the CHRISTIAN radio station in Orlando), a huge fat Santa Clause winking at the audience, and a headline that says, "Santa is listening".
Does this not bother anyone else but me, or am I just being sensitive?? First of all, it's a CHRISTIAN ministry (who's goal is to get the community to trust them) telling kids that not only Santa is real, but he's some sort of omnipresent being who can really hear you when you want something. People, come on! If this was a billboard from anyone else, like Disney or Target, I wouldn't really care. Why? Cause they're pagan companies- I expect nothing from them...(besides good family fun and cheap clothes...) I'm not even going to waste the time of Googling bible verses about lying. Okay, well I just did, but I'm not gonna waste the time in telling them all to you because there are too many and everyone knows God hates a lying tongue.
I don't give a rat's rear end if Santa Clause is tradition...and in fact, I don't even care if you sing songs about Santa and wrap your presents in Santa wrapping paper with a Santa bow while rubbing a Santa statue. There is a difference between celebrating tradition and using that tradition as truth and convincing your children that this fictional character is not only living, but is OMNISCIENT! Does that sound like anyone you know? That's right, GOD. God is the only omnipresent, omniscient, all-knowing being out there who will reward you beyond stupid futile fleeing possessions.
Let the pagans have Santa. Let them have the North Pole and reindeer and Frosty the flipping Snowman. We are selling ourselves, no, we're selling God short by following pagan idols, YES, IDOLS. (Something adored or worshiped blindly, excessively, and without substance). Why would we waste our time (especially a Christian organization) praising a fictional character that is substituting God for our children? In fact, why would a donation-based organization like the radio station of Z88.3 waste their DONATED FUNDS ($$$ from Christian pockets) and sink $5,000-$10,000+ into a billboard that defiles God? "Defiles God?! Come on, it's not a big deal" you might be thinking. If you can explain to me why it doesn't, then we'll talk.
I have never believed in Santa and I thank my mom and dad for never teaching us that. They flat out told us, "These gifts are from us and God has blessed us with money to buy them for you."
Gosh, I'm sorry if I'm coming across as a crazy wacko about this, but it just struck a cord with me and I feel weirdly strong about it.
Official Advice: Don't forget what this season is all about, and don't let the world muddy the waters and give you another reason to forget who has blessed you! Don't forget!
Official Advice: Don't forget what this season is all about, and don't let the world muddy the waters and give you another reason to forget who has blessed you! Don't forget!