1) I promise to take a break from talking about why America is failing and why Christians are failing. I've been really frustrated with a number of things in my life lately and those things are just to name a few. There are an incredible amount of personal battles I'm facing that are kinda hard to explain though, so I've been kinda cynical lately. Sorry.

Tonight I decided that I need to change the strategy of how I'm living my life right now. It's not working...what I mean is my attitude towards this situation, towards myself mainly, and how I'm neglecting myself in a lot of really important ways because I'm so caught up in other things which are out of my hands. I guess I won't get into that though.

2) I'm waking up in 7 hours to hit the airport and fly off to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'll be gone till next Monday at a missions conference, if you don't know already. This isn't a sit-back-and-relax kind of conference for me though, on the contrary it's going to be stressful because I'm one of the speakers. This isn't for one certain building either, I'm visiting 6 different churches, speaking once or twice at each church for up to an hour each from Sunday to Sunday.

These churches are up to 2 hours away from each other and I have to get a rental car and find my way around Pennsylvania/Ohio. I'll also be sleeping at like 4 different people's houses too which are scattered everywhere... so lots of logistics to think about.
I don't know how much I'll have internet access while I'm gone

I'm excited to go, but also very nervous to speak so many times in front of sooo many people. Not to mention I feel about a thousand pounds and all my dressy clothes suck right now so I'm feeling a little self conscious which makes me not be confident and comfortable---so I could definitely use your prayers about just being comfortable enough to communicate what God's been doing in my life.

I think that I'll either come back from this refreshed with all the encouragement, or burned out from telling my story a hundred times.

Okay, time for bed, catch you on the flip side.

OH WAIT! #3!
Check this out... I was watching a documentary on Sacred Harp singing (http://youtube.com/watch?v=YHUfHNEZDPc&feature=related) and got very interested in this genre of music. It's a fascinating documentary, and in short explains that it is the earliest known form of music in America. It is distinguishing because the congregation faces each other, sings very loudly and with odd harmonies, uses no instruments, and usually move their arms to the beat. It's not necessarily gorgeous music, but when you take in the historical and cultural significance of this genre, and don't get irritated at the volume, it's really neat. I think they had it on that good movie, Cold Mountain with hot Jude Law. Here's another example...http://youtube.com/watch?v=M2Wg6QBi7A4