Every day, almost without fail, someone says to me, "How are you?" I usually say something like "Fine, thanks", or recently it's been "Hanging in there, thanks" or some other totally false reply. If it's before 10 a.m., what I'd really like to reply to that question with is a grunt that communicates "Leave me alone". Most of the time if I am at work during a normal workday, I'd really like to reply with a "I'm at WORK. Am I SUPPOSED to be happy?!"

I'm sure that's the same for most of you too, yet, something in us feels like we need to be positive for everyone else and lie right through our pearly white teeth. I wonder why. Maybe because some people don't think the person who's asking really gives a flip, or maybe because if they talk about their problems they'll get upset, or maybe because they'll appear negative. On the contrary, I'll bet that at least 3/4 of the people around me at any given time are actually feeling like crap when they're asked that question.

I always feel this awkward moment when someone asks me how I am and I am 100% sure that they don't give a rat's rear end how I really feel. They'd like for me to just say "Fine" because they're walking in the opposite direction and 20 feet away by the time I answer. I say "Fine" outloud, but think "Fine, but I'm lying and you don't care! Ha!" It's also awkward when I ask someone how they're doing, they're really not doing well and want to share because I asked, but I'm a hurry...or who I've asked is the boy filling my grocery bag and frankly I'm not sure I care about them being upset because their aunt's sister's baby's daddy's cousin's dog is in a coma for eating too much chocolate.

So I've made a resolution, even though it has nothing to do with the New Year that's coming up here shortly. My resolution is to stop asking people how they're doing unless I really want to know. I'd also like to be more honest when people ask me how I'm doing, even if it's bad, because I indirectly lie to people all day. It's okay if people think I'm being too negative or cynical when I reply, at least they know I'm being honest. In return, I hope that they'll be honest with me and there won't be a vicious circle of lies!...... Lies I tell you!

Instead, expect to hear questions like What's up? How are things going? How's life treating you? What's happening? What's shakin'? (for you youngins out there). Yep. Might be a strange resolution, but oh well.


Ande Truman said...

That is not my mouth, btw.