In the course of your life, if you've grown up going to church, you've probably heard something like this: "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a duck.
Therefore, if you act like you're of the world, talk like you're of the world, and look like you're of the world, well, you must me of the world then. I've heard this a lot before, and I've also struggled with this fine line. I consider it a grey area, yet somehow I have a feeling that Jesus didn't consider it grey. In fact, I vaguely remember him saying something like "Don't be of the world" in paraphrase. Did I just make that up? Maybe that was Paul...
Yet, somehow I don't think it's that easy. Here's what I mean: if you don't act normal (of the world) and you chose to shelter yourself from the world, you're probably either a nun, you're amish, or you belong to a cult. If you do act normal (of the world), it is easy to be reprimanded for being "too much of the world"! I think this is the epitome of GREY in Christianity. Why? Because it affects everything we do, and how we live our lives. Were is the line? What is normal and what is worldly? What did the bible mean by "of the world" exactly? Does it mean doing what everyone else does? Wear normal clothes, have a normal job, go on vacation, buy cell phones, shop at Wal-Mart, sleep on king size beds. Or is it talking about all the things we should stay away from? Sex, drugs & rock-n-roll?
If that were the case, then it seems like a lot of "worldly things" are open to debate. For example, secular music, tattoos, piercings, swearing, watching tv shows or movies that aren't edifying, gossip...a few things that a lot of Christians have, do, or approve of, especially the younger generation. But what about the older generation? My parents and grandparents? Most Christians their age don't agree with these things. Their visualization of "of the world" may manifest a young punk rocker with a mohawk, piercings and tattoos, skateboarding down the street smoking a cigarette. I know a LOT of people who'd automatically assume that person was not a Christian. He looks like a duck, so he must be a duck. But why? I think our generation is starting to buck these trends and presumptions. Which means that our generation, when we think of "of the world" we may think of actions that are far worse than our parents and grandparents. Maybe murder, rape, prostitution, arsony, whatever. Am I making sense?
At the same time, would you agree that it is more affective to share the Gospel on a relational level? And would you agree that to have a relationship with an unbeliever you need to be able to relate to them on some level? So how can we relate to unbelievers if we don't live among them and live like them? Of course you know I'm not talking about sinning against God or putting yourself in a very vulnerable situation to make you stumble. Is it wrong for Christians to participate in activities that are grey in the bible, such as the older generation's view of "of the world"? If you think it's wrong, why? Is it social or familial expectations? Or is there really biblical proof against it? Yes, I know the verse about your body being a temple, but what are other reasons those things are bad?
I know that we do not belong to this world- we're just passing through- we're aliens and foreigners- yes, yes I know. But we're HERE! Aren't we? We're here from now until we die. We can't escape this life quite yet, and as unbelievable as Heaven will be, we are here right now. We have to live with what we have.
I just begin to wonder if we Christians should stop getting so caught up on the little things and really start to accept people..the weird ones, the hobos, the prostitutes, the homosexuals, the freaks, the goths. Now hold on, please don't think that I'm saying we should accept their sins and be indifferent towards their disobeying God. Most assuredly that's not what I'm saying. But honestly, when you see somebody like that on the street, is your first thought "HOLY COW that's weird, I feel uncomfortable, I'm going to walk away now!". Or is it not being afraid of their sins and their mistakes and reaching out to people that truly need it. Our creed is that it's not about works, but we're hypocrites when we're obsessed with "looking" like a Christian. Am I wrong? Am I talking like a dirty liberal? I feel like I'm sounding really liberal right now...
I've always heard that we should be different from other people. We should stand out. People should know we are just...different. 'This little light o' mine, I'm gonna let it shine!'...right? But really- how different are we? I our souls, in our heart of hearts we are very different from unbelievers because we have a hope that they don't have. We have something so great that can never be taken away from us. That's in our hearts and we SHOULD live it out, we should love people and share the Gospel, but should we be so obsessed with acting so different from everyone else? How different should we really be?
These are real questions, not just statements posed as questions. I'd love to know your thoughts.
In my high school English class during my senior year, we were allowed to write a paper about anything we wanted, as long as we compared two things. My teacher at the time was a Christian so I had a little bit of extra courage to write about religion knowing he'd like I decided to write this research paper (10+ pages) on Christianity Vs. Buddhism. One of my best friends at the time was a buddhist/atheist, and her mother was a buddhist (she was Japanese too) so I had a great resource. I spent hours researching, interviewing, writing and editing what I thought was a literary work of art. I turned it in, got a decent grade and Mr. Meacham, my teacher, handed it back to me.
The problem with not liking to talk about this is because it makes you look like you're closed minded and living with blinders over your eyes. I don't want to be so closed minded that I can't even talk to people about what they believe. That's not good at all. At the same time, would I rather appear closed minded or stumble? That's when I have to step back and do what's best for me.
The reason I am bringing this up is because I feel like if I admit something like this and bring it to the surface, it won't rot in my head and cause me to deal with it alone. When darkness is brought to the light, well, it's not so dark anymore.
So how about you? Is this something you struggle with, or does it not even phase you?
For example, I still get embarrassed when I think of a few situations in particular that really humbled the snot out of me. Okay, this was in like 2003 or so, I think my last year of being a summer camp counselor. It was rainy outside so we decided to have evening vespers indoors with all the kiddies. It was a great atmosphere, lights were off, candles were lit, I was leading worship. Then it was also my turn to speak for devotion. All summer I had with me a book called Jesus Freaks about martyrs and their stories. I decided that it would be really compelling to share with the group about this one particular Christian camp for kids in Indonesia or something. The story basically went like this (cliff notes style): buncha' Christian kids at camp, they heard gunfire a long ways away but they didn't have any cars to take people to safety, so the adults went to town to rent vans, the adults got killed, and the people with guns were coming through the woods to kill the kids. I went on to explain how scary that might be and it ended up to be a sort of Gospel lesson. Yeah, does anyone here think that was a GOOD story to read to little kids right before they walked back to their cabin in the pitch dark and go to bed? NO, probably not, though it made perfect sense to me at the time. Anyway, I totally got called out on it from the camp director and I felt like a total buffoon. If I only would have asked if that story was appropriate first!!!
Side note, I really don't like getting, I kinda hate it. In elementary school if the teacher told me to stop talking or stop doing something, I would seriously be crushed and/or start to cry. I don't cry every time someone tells me to stop doing something, but the older you get, the more "somethings" you do are more serious and personal. What used to be "don't cut in line" is now "you need to consider the way you live your life" kinds of things. I just don't take it well. I'm not saying that to make everyone feel awkward when they really do need to scold me...Blah blah I know it's a part of life and I have to deal with it. I'm just being honest - I know it's necessary but I still don't like it, especially when I disagree with the cause.
I was going down the list of these attributes and trying to really grasp each one of them. I've seen this list a hundred times but never really tried to understand it or decide whether or not I am living out these fruits.
I have no idea. Anyone have any thoughts about this?
By saying "a little disconnected", I meant VERY disconnected. Oh well... similar subject.
This is kind of a stupid thing to write about, but whatever. Tomorrow I'll make it up to you by writing my thesis on quantum physics and eschatology.
I have never been inside an Ikea store...until 3 nights ago. I just want to state for the record that I think Ikea is my new favorite store. I knew it was going to be kinda cool...but I didn't know the extent of its' wonder. As a friend told me the other day, "It made all my dreams come true". I know a lot of it is cheapo stuff...and I also found out that Ikea blatantly funds radical causes promoting abortion, gay pride, and other stuff. As a matter of fact, so does Starbucks, Sears, Southwest and a lot of other corporations. Maybe I'll save that discussion for another day though.
In Ikea I just kept walking around saying, "Oooooo" "Aaaaahhhh" "I want that! and that! and OH look at that!" I felt like a total goof in there because on the inside I was ridiculously excited about it. I of course didn't buy anything for myself, because I don't think the airlines would appreciate me showing up with a leather couch and entertainment center on the way to Slovakia.
The funny thing about being there was that it kinda made me sad. I feel stupid saying that, but it's true!
It's just that... I believe someone's natural tendency as a human, more specifically women, is the desire to make a home. I guess they call this "nesting". One of my desires is to nest. To make a place for me and my family to live. At this point, I've had to move so many times in my life that right now I am now really satisfied with having very little.
Side Note: For years I've acquired tons of useless crap. Up until a year ago I was flat broke all the time--so when someone wanted to give me something I took it with no hesitation, even if I didn't need or want it. I even picked through the trash of some really rich people I worked for cause they had some good stuff in there! I think I took some canned vegetables. Off topic. So for years I've had a lot of useless stuff I've carried around with me and a few weeks ago I sold or gave almost all of it away. It is a REALLY great feeling to not have much stuff to worry about. If you are in the same boat as I, and have a cluttered room or house, I encourage you to sell or give away what you have that you don't need. It's liberating.
That is where I am now, but even though I enjoy that freedom of having little...and even though the stuff you own can end up owning YOU right back in return...I still have this urge to make a real home.
Floating in same thought-pot in my brain, lately I've been coming to terms with the idea that it may be years until I get married...if at all. I don't like thinking about that, and maybe I'm too young to consider it, but there is never any guarantee that anyone will accomplish anything in their lives, especially marriage. I've always heard that God will give you the desires of your heart...but I also know that God CHANGES the desires of your heart sometimes. So what if my desires change to not wanting to be married? What if God changes my desire? All I can say that if I am called to be single, I sure wish I didn't have the desire to be married because it's hard. I still don't like thinking about that.
So believe it or not, all of these things were running through my mind while I was at Ikea. What I want versus what I might get. Is what I want now really what I should want? I can't even shop in mental peace!
What I've been dealing with for the past few weeks is trying to figure out which direction I should be going in. I'm trying to decide whether what I wanted for my life when I was young is really where I should be, or whether I should stick with attempting to attain a normal 'white picket fence' life. I'm feeling the fork in the road coming up soon and I don't know whether to just sit in the driver's seat on auto pilot and let God do His thing, or whether I should hop in there and start making some turns. Should I pursue life #1 with a successful career and 'normal' comfortable living, or life #2 with pursuing an unbelievably rewarding live-changing unglamourous mission life. It's a really strange feeling to THINK you know what you wanted, and felt confident in that...but then all of the sudden question your goals. I feel kind of fickle. Which way do I go?? Don't know.
For so long I was sort of a dreamer, a romantic. I shoved those ideas under a rock and thought that I really just need to settle down and do a mindless job like everyone else. I've really come away from my "mental roots" in a way over this past year or two. Working in this environment I've had a dose of reality and I've tasted just a little bit of what is supposed to be successful. In other words, I've had a glimpse of what I thought I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and I'm just not sure I can take it. I really question whether or not I was made for this type of lifestyle. Don't think I'm giving up on my career, I love what I do and it's a fantastic job to have a family with...but working in an office cube every day? Hmmm... I don't think I can do that forever.
I'm not a patient person. Well, no wait, that might be a little harsh. Let me be more specific. I am very impatient when it comes to certain things. I've already told you how much of a jerk I am waiting for my coffee at Starbucks. I won't go into all the ways I AM patient, like saving up for something I want, but the ways I'm not as they're much easier to put my finger on. I think there are different kinds of impatience. One in particular is the "I want it NOW" type of attitude. That's me in the coffee shop. It's seeing something you want and doing whatever it takes to get it. It can be using your credit card to buy all sorts of things you don't need. We here in the West are infamous for this Instant Gratification Attitude. We thrive on knowing that we could have just about anything we wanted with enough money and desire.
Another kind of impatience is something I deal with a lot. It's the kind where something seemingly small or trivial really gets under my skin...and usually no one else is bothered by it but me. For example, in church I absolutely cannot stand it when kids cry or talk when I'm trying to concentrate and the parents don't take them out. I get irritated at kids who are loud and obnoxious in public too and their parents don't do anything to help the situation or yell at them. In a quiet setting, whether school, work, church, falling asleep, reading a book or whatever, I really can't stand it to hear certain noises. Noises like incessant coughing, people clearing their throats way too much, snoring, the sound of a pencil against paper that I can hear a mile away, obnoxious whistling. I don't just get a little miffed at these things, they really do make me mad! I am so impatient. This morning we were praying and there was a kid who wouldn't stop talking in the silence and I changed my prayer to "God give me patience!" I am also a really big jerk when I want to walk fast and someone ahead of me is walking at a snail's pace.
Maybe it's cause I'm from a small southern town, but traffic in Orlando is absurd. My friend said she had to get counseling because of it! Ha! Really though, it's ridiculous. I turn into an absolute maniac when someone ticks me off in traffic, and I hope that none of you see me at my worst because you will think I really need counseling. For example, yesterday I am trying to part at Starbucks and this women takes literally 60 seconds to get out of her parking space trying to do a 97 point turn, but it was the only one left, so I waited... and waited... and waited... I am sitting there with the most unenthusiastic ticked off face I could muster that communicates "I am dying a slow death waiting for you". THEN some moron comes speeding around the corner and takes the space before I could pull in because the stupid woman was in front of me. I won't go into the details of what I did after that, but it wasn't a pretty sight.
Yeah, I need more patience.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2004
Pentax ZX30 35mm, T-Max Film
More than one person told me they didn't see anything special in this shot, mainly because they couldn't tell what it was. I got it enlarged and posted it in my room anyway, 'cause I like it...and I remember exactly how it happened.
We had taken a few hours off from exhausting work to run some errands. Bev Warren (missionary) and I were running around town in their diesel van to buy coffee (best in the world) and to look at one of the Orthodox churches in town. Ethiopia is not only rich with culture, but very religious as well- as there are quite a number of churches in Addis.
We had just walked out of the church where we had a mini tour. We had to take our shoes off inside as it was a holy place and they take that very seriously. The ceilings were high and intricate, and as the light poured in from the tall skinny windows, you could see the fog of incense swirling around above.
After we stepped out of the church we walked across the courtyard to the church's museum. On the left before the large wooden doors was a huge bell tower. The guide asked me if I wanted to go of COURSE I did! I am not very scared of heights, but I tell you thought I was going to die! Imagine this: I walk in the door and notice that not only are the stairs about to fall apart, but they are very narrow, steep and uneven, sometimes even slanted towards the center. There is no guard rail at all, and it spirals all the way up to the top. With my camera in my hand I dug my fingers into the bell tower walls and dared not look down. Well, I did look down..bad idea! The tower was at least 50 feet high, which doesn't sound high, until you're 6 inches away from falling to your death if you step wrong.
Ethiopians often times wear thin throws that look sort of like a blanket across their chest and shoulders. In front of me was a boy of about 13 who was actually the bell boy. He rushed up the stairs in front of me with his white throw, brown tattered shorts, skinny legs and skimpy sandals which were brushing against the stone before every step. He was up there long before I was as he'd done it a thousand times before.
As soon as I stepped foot on the top, with a huge smile on his face he began ringing the bell as hard as he could while looking over the edge to the city. The space was tight, perhaps only 6 feet in diameter with an enormous bell over top of us. At the time my lens only went to 27mm so that's why it seems a bit too zoomed. Regardless, I like this one.
The following entry is about nothing profound, but more of my scrumptious verbal vomit that's making my stomach sick keeping it inside. In fact, it's really just me complaining about my own laziness, so if you don't want to read this, please skip ahead to the next one.
Did you know that over 2 million people die each year due to being lazy? Yep. You can check the World Health Organization if ya' don't believe me. That's a lotta' people dying for such a dumb reason.
There's been something that's really bothering me lately- more so over the past 3 years. I'll just go ahead and say it. I'll just say what's on my mind! I am in the worst shape I have ever been in in my entire life- right here, right now. That sucks. Really bad. What the crap? I am not just saying that because I am an emotional women (even though that is true). I'm saying it cause it's really truthfully making me angry and it's something I think about all the time. And it's not good thoughts, mind you, these are not good thoughts I think about in regards to this....which causes quite a bit of distress in my little head.
Hold on. My cat is chewing on an electronics cord of some kind. I vow to you this day that if someone does not take this cat I will bake him in my oven and the blood will be on your hands!!!
Ahem. Where was I?
Right, I'm totally out of shape. I do my best to take the stairs at work as much as possible (unless it's first thing in the morning, the last hour of work, or if I have heels that enough excuses?). I am so freaking pathetic. I feel like I ran a marathon. I am so ticked off that I can actually see visible difference in, a big difference. In everything! I won't get into how or where I can tell, like my arms and chin and legs, OH MY! but trust me.
Whatever. I'm friggin tired of it! Jeez.
Florida is the worst place EVER for a gal like me to stay/get in shape. I just wasn't built for this heat and flatness and culture. I mean, North Carolina is hot as crap, but not nearly as bad as this for 9 months out of the year. Last week it was 85*. What IS THAT?! I never used to be super thin by any means, but I stayed in shape thanks to softball and normal kid stuff you could do when you lived at home in a safe neighborhood ya know? If I was bored, I'd just go outside and walk around and find something to do. Go fishin', ride my bike, whatever. I'd be in summer camp and go rock climbing and rafting and hiking. It was just an active lifestyle.
But here.. here you can't do that stuff at least where I live now. I'm on a really bad road and it's super scary at night and lots of creepy people always walk up and down it. By the time I get home from work it's dark out, and I'm not about to go strolling down Lee Road unless I have a baseball bat and mace ready to go. Even if it was safe it's SO HOT all the time, it's simply miserable!
You say, "Well join a gym you moron", which is a logical solution to this problem....except I hate working out in a gym right underneath public speaking and root canals. I don't like 30-60 minutes of beating the crap out of myself and feeling terrible while I do it and THEN feeling miserably sore for 3 days afterwards. Yah, I know I gotta shutup and do it anyway if I want to change stuff, but I'm just complaining cause I don't wanna! You can't make me do it! You're not my REAL mom anyway!!! ::rolls around on the floor:: Okay...what?
I just think I would really succeed in a place where it's so small I'd have to walk everywhere, or so big I'd have to walk everywhere. Orlando, and even where I'm from in central NC, you have to drive 10-45 minutes to get anywhere. Or if that's not the case, a place that actually has outdoor activities available and weather that allows people to go outside and not feel like they've actually stepped into an oven. There are tons of places like this- in the U.S. alone out West is a haven for people who like to be outdoors...or even the Northeast.
I will say, as a fact, that having an office job really doesn't help our sedentary tendencies. You wake up, sit in your car as you drive to work, eat breakfast, sit down till lunch, drive to lunch, sit at lunch, drive back, sit at your desk till 5:30, sit in your car, come home and sit while you eat dinner, maybe sit and watch a little tube or read, till you go to bed and lie down. The lifestyle of office workers is horrible unless you really really make a conscious effort to do something for yourself before or after work. If I ever killed someone it would be in the morning- so morning workouts are a big no-go for me...and the ironic thing is that after work, even though I haven't done jack squat all day, I'm sooo tired!
I just really really hope that somehow, someway, I can find a way to live a life that's not sedentary and be one of those 'active lifestyle' kinds of people. I really don't want to live the rest of my life being uncomfortable and ticked off that I don't look the way I want. It gets old after a while, ya know?
In the meantime, I guess I gotta shutup and work out.
I've been talking a lot about society, pet peeves, random things, books, etc. Today I wanted to write about something a little more...vulnerable. Cause' hey, if I can't be real, what's the point of this thing anyway?
Let's say someone held up a set of flashcards for me with many different words and told me to just think about that word and what it means. The first card says "The South" and I may visualize fried chicken, country roads and hear bluegrass music. The next card says "Grandmother" and I think about my gramma's voice, her stature, her hands and her hair, the smell of her house. The third card says "Father" and I think of....well...first I'd think about....ummm...the sound, that's not it....Hmmm...der.


In Don Miller's book "Blue Like Jazz" he talks about how people view their fathers is usually how they view God. When I read his explanation, my heart stopped, as I'd never even thought of this before. Read that book if you want to know more about his experience. As for me, it totally makes sense- my dad wasn't around, the idea of a dad was foreign, he wasn't there to count on or to rescue me, there was no one there to love me and care about me- the same feelings towards God. I felt like this until maybe a year or less ago. I'm not doubting my salvation throughout my teenage years and early 20's, but I missed such a huge part of Christ's relationship with me. I missed that whole "love" dynamic that makes salvation so sweet. God was just out there somewhere, probably with my dad in Heaven, just....helping everyone else but me.