What is the purpose of democratic voting?

This is the question I've pondered for months. Is the purpose to give citizens a sense of belonging and power? Is it designed to show what the majority of the people want, therefore making it a citizen run country? In voting for something as important as a president, should we vote for those who have the most experience? Should we vote for what's best for the country as a whole? Are we allowed to be "one issue" voters, or is that naive?

When it comes to voting in the US presidential elections, I've been back and forth as to whether or not I gave a crap about it. I even considered not voting because I didn't want ANY of them to win. This was many months ago and my opinion has changed several times since then.

First, I'll be up front by saying that over my dead body would I ever vote for someone as detrimental to this country and the world as Barack Hussein Obama. Never has a liar so manipulative, so unqualified and heartless been able to rise to the ranks of a presidential nomination. The fact that he's come this far says a lot about our nation and how we are being judged by God Himself. Now, my mom happens to think that he's a terrorist antichrist who needs to be assasinated... of which opinion I do not necessarily hold, no matter how much I don't like him.

There is much I could say about him here, but I'll hold back for the sake of you guys holding interest in what I'm talking about. If you don't believe me that he has no relevant experience in running a nation, do some research and stop being stubborn.

What has really been on my heart lately is his stance on abortion. There in lies the fundamental difference between pro-lifers and pro-choicers. Pro-choicers believe a fetus is nothing special- nothing more than a useless mass of cells that can easily be destroyed with no consequence. Pro-lifers believe that fetuses and newborns are actual humans with actual souls.

There's so much about abortion I could talk about, but let me get to my point. Let me say why if Obama gets elected, he will continue passing laws of infanticide and mass murder. Obama was the ONLY SENATOR, (not the only democrat, the only person, period) who passed a law that would allow babies who were born from partial birth abortions to have their medical treatment withheld. If you don't realize the reality of that, let me break it down in an example: a woman comes in 7 months pregnant and decides she can't afford to have a child right now. The doctors induce labor, poke a large instrument in her, and yank out the fetus. The mother goes away while the doctors help her heal. The baby is either tossed in a basket of soiled cloths, or left on a cold metal table to die. This is not a deceased child either, this is a living, breathing, crying child. It lays there until it dies.

One nurse who came forward to try to stop this process says she heard a baby cry for 8 hours on one shift until he or she had died.

I'm sorry if that was graphic, but it's reality. This is really happening in America. This goes so far and beyond a "morning after pill" or an immediate abortion after conception. This is absolute and clear murder.

I challenge any democrat out there who claims to be a Christian to sit and ponder this. I want them, in clear a conscience, to be able to tell me that they have no problem voting for a man who fights for this "right" for women to "choose" and to not be "punished" by a child. Tell me in clear conscience that you can claim the truths of scriptures and also vote for a man who promotes infanticide.

So this brings me to my next quick point. I kept thinking: "I want to vote for Ron Paul because his politics make sense- I want to be a part of revolutionizing our government! Who cares if he loses, at least I'll feel good about voting for someone that I want, not that all other republicans want. Who cares if it's not strategic, my vote realistically doesn't mean anything."

Well, I've changed my mind. Someone told me a few weeks ago, "Any vote that is not for McCain is a vote for Obama." I didn't want to hear it, but it's true. So now I say that I cannot with a clear conscience use my vote to help Obama in any way, as indirect as it sounds. I'll sacrifice my feelings of choice and empowerment for the possibility of putting a man in office who adheres to the human relevancy of the bible.

When I see people with Obama stickers and t-shirts, etc. (especially "Babies *or Mothers* for Obama" stickers...how ironic) it bothers me, but it's their choice to vote for who they see fit. However, when I hear about people who are voting for him just because he's black, or say something like, "I'm voting for him because he's gotten so many people to get out and vote who have never cared about voting", or "...because he's going to bring a change to this country and plus, I like this enthusiasm"... it doesn't just bother me, it infuriates me! It is SCARY that millions of stupid Americans who never cared about voting before are now voting because of these superficial reasons. Listen people, that's NOT a positive change!! People like this shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're acting on impulse, emotion, and racial dedication! Funny thing is, I'd be a racist if I said, "I'm not voting for Obama b/c he's black" or "I'm voting for McCain b/c he's white"... how backwards!

Will Obama win? Probably. Do I want McCain as my president? Not really, I don't like him all that much. But to be honest, it doesn't matter. Whatever Obama brings to this nation- whatever laws he passes that kill more innocent lives, or when he brings Socialism to this country--whatever happens to us, we deserve it. We can expect no other judgment on America than what we deserve. Blind nationalism plagues this country and because of it, we can expect to be brought to our knees until we realize we are not invincible.

I don't ask God to bless this country (and I won't put up a "God Bless America" bumper sticker either). All I ask is that He have mercy on us as we continue to blatantly disobey Him and put our trust in the Obamessiah.


Monica Gamez said...

Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that particular issue myself. I've never understood the reasoning behind women who make the decision because its "just not right for them" or some other lame excuse like "I don't want the father of the baby in my life". They are selfish reasons. As a mother I can understand why having a child with health problems would be upsetting for parents to deal with but I still don't understand why you wouldn't try to love and hold that child for any time you can. To feel that soft skin and be able to look at something you helped create.... Sorry. This upsets me every time I think about it. I had a friend that had an abortion when she was almost 5 months along. Needless to say we aren't friends now. I still cry when I think about the child that might have been and she wasn't even mine.

I'm not a political person and I'm not excited about either of the choices we have right now. My husband thinks the same way your mom does about Obama. He also thinks that people are voting for him for the wrong reasons and I think he's right about that.

We are headed towards change but I highly doubt it will be for the better regardless of who gets elected.

Craig Sowder said...

If you are interested, my friend Paul wrote a response at the Triablogue website to some of the comments Zach Moore was making in my blog in the abortion entries you and I were commenting on. I linked to it on my blog.

I agree with you on the democrat Christians who are somehow able to vote for Obama in good conscience in spite of his pro-choice position. The most common justification I have heard for this is because they are trying to look at it like you would look at a termite problem in your home. The best way to get rid of termites is not to kill every termite you find individually, but you need to go for the nest, the source of why there are termites. Our agenda should not be to try to overturn every piece of pro-choice legislation, but we should instead be focusing on why women have abortions in the first place and solve those problems. Apparently, Obama's golden age of socialism will do just that, and so there will be fewer abortions in the end, or so it is believed.

This is a stupid justification. I mean, what if we had taken that approach to slavery? "Oh, well I know that candidate wants to enact legislation to remove all restrictions on slavery. But this candidate will put policies in place that will address the reasons why people own slaves, and by addressing those reasons, there will be less slavery in the end."

The Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate is not a debate about whether or not someone is personally opposed to having an abortion, as a matter of personal preference or conviction. It is a debate that is ENTIRELY about the issue of legislation. In other words, you can be personally opposed to abortion, but still be pro-choice if you are not opposed to pro-choice legislation.

Those Christians who are voting for Obama with full knowledge of his stance on abortion have forfeited the right to call themselves pro-life. They should go all the way with it and put one of those bumper stickers on their car that says "Against Abortion? Don't Have One."