So maybe this is a totally normal thing to go through once returning to your home country after being in missions.... but I feel a drastic difference between my relationship with God while living in the States. It makes sense, really. In Slovakia I was surrounded by a close Christian community and we discussed our faith very often. I was also alienated from most people in Trnava because we didn't speak the same language, which made my internal dialogue with God a lot more active. There was a certain amount of dependence on God there. Just walking around knowing that I needed to rely on God to finally provide the support I needed to live was also a factor.

I wonder if it's quite a few different factors happening at the same time. I'm not around a strict Christian community, I'm immediately culturally accepted back into my culture because, well, I'm an American. It's no surprise that most Americans feel like they're taking care of themselves. We go to work, make OUR money and provide for US. That's how I feel-- I need to take care of MYself till I get on MY feet.


So lately I've had thoughts going through my head about whether the God of my life in America is the same God in my life in Slovakia. It's been a challenge.

I'm praying for God to draw close to me and show me His goodness.