Lately I've been fascinated by this idea of being "smitten" with someone. I think it's generally understood that this word relates to being smitten by someone from the opposite sex. More often than not, I think that's true. But I also think it's amazing how sometimes that can happen with meeting new people...I think it can simply mean a general attraction.

For example, let's say I'm at a party with 50 strangers. There is something natural inside of all of us that want to gravitate towards someone or a group of people because you're in a social environment and don't want to be the creep in the corner. What is it that helps us decide who we should talk to? What is it inside of us that provokes that spark you have with someone- no matter what sex they're from.

For example, what is it inside of me that decides that out of all my female acquaintances, I know that this person or that person will probably be friends with me for a very long time? While most of the other ones I will probably not know for a few more years? Or how I would literally do anything for a few close friends and would rather not do much of anything for other friends? What IS it about having those relationships that makes us a little crazy? That makes us want to drive across the friggin country or fly across the friggin world to spend some time with them. Not "crazy" as in a little psycho/obsessed, I mean.... that real, genuine love for friends that would make you do just about anything for them. I'm so fascinated by this! And ya know what even blows my mind away even more? That Christ is smitten with us, and He has that real love for us--He's crazy about us! I wonder if God gave us love like that so we could understand how much He loves us?

I've lately thought about this in reference to men/mates too. I've met a lot of nice fellows in Charlotte so far, and I have to be really careful to be honest. I tend to be smitten a little too easily. Problem is, I'm usually the one to be smitten and the "smittee" forgets about me the next day. I say that not for a pity party--it's the truth! So I've made a decision. I refuse to become smitten with a boy until he is smitten with me. Or at least, until he's made a pretty darn good effort to communicate that he's really into me.

I believe if I don't start guarding my heart I'll start to become really bitter towards guys and that's the last thing I want to happen. I like guys.

I guess I've been thinking lately how nice it would be for one day some man to be smitten with me...and how that would feel if I were equally smitten by him! I look forward to the day, and I hope my standards are not too high...just seems like that should be a minimum for a relationship ever working, ya know? I better love him if I'm gonna wash his underwear, and he better love me if he has to listen to my loud music. hehe ok I'm done now. Had to get that off my chest.