So I just got home from a night out with my girlfriends where we saw the movie, "He's Just Not That Into You". The movie in and of itself had a lot of issues, mostly because it was saturated with liberal Hollywood ideals like adultery, sex, homosexuality, and yes even female ministers. (Sorry, had to add that one in). A few times in the movie, they'd show a title that explains different reasons why men might not be into you. It started off mild, like "He's just not into you if he doesn't call you"... but in short time it turned into, "...if he doesn't sleep with you" etc. which is where it got a tad annoying.

The main plot of the movie was about women who THINK men like them because of subtle hints, where in fact those men don't give a hoot about them. It highlights women who, hanging on every word a man says to her, reads into those words and actions much deeper than the man intended. Despite the average acting and fairly predictable plot, I will say I walked away feeling encouraged about one "moral of the story". His point was that if a man wants a woman, he will communicate that. If he wants to be with her, he will find a way. If he doesn't call, doesn't participate, plainly doesn't seem interested, well he's probably not! I like that. To me, it's a call for men to be men and take initiative....or at least to be clear in one way or another and to be more careful about signals they give to women. It seems to be also a call to women to allow men to pursue them instead of falsely presuming they're interested when they're not. To ME, despite all the other wretched sinful lives of the actors in the movie, it actually seemed to try and un-blur the oh-so-blurry lines of dating, chemistry and relationships and to get back to the simple and natural concept of MEN clearly, honestly pursing WOMEN.


Monica Gamez said...

I watched this the other day and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I was really annoyed by the way the main character seemed so desperate to have a man in her life. Forgive me, I haven't been single in a long time but I can't believe women really act like that! That's just a bunch of craziness. I agree that women shouldn't have to chase after a man. Believe me, he'll let you know if he thinks you're the one. :)