So lately I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock, an NBC tv show. I was into it a bit before I came here but now I'm watching full seasons at a time. The character development is good, it's subtly hilarious and clever.

I'm watching an episode called Subway here now and I heard a quote I wanted to share:

Liz: Everything in my life is work, but not Dennis Duffy. I don’t have to shave. I don’t have to bathe. I don’t have to be clever or nice.

Jenna: Love is hiding who you really are at all times, even when you’re sleeping. Love is wearing make up to bed, and going downstairs to the Burger King to poop, and hiding alcohol in perfume bottles. That’s love.

Liz: Being with Dennis is easy. If you give into it, you start to feel kind of numb and warm. And then you just get sleepy.

Jenna: That’s exactly what they say happens when you freeze to death.

Liz: Blurg.

To join me on the 30 Rock wagon, check it out:

So the other day I was sitting in my caged in balcony watching and listening. The next day I wrote this- it's not amazing poetry but...ok no more disclaimers! Here's my unedited...thing...

legs dangling through these metal bars
like a bird in a cage
suspended from a hook in the sky ceiling
this place, my dwelling, slovakia, slovensko.

sounds that bounce 7 stories up
a little too well
are like notes in an unsuspecting song

pigeons that gather and flutter together
near the rusted metal door
on the high rise roof

children sliding down the new white slide
up the stairs, down the slide, up and down

big white and black dog running circles
around his master with a ball

listen carefully and hear cabinets close
and dinner plates clatter
as neighborhood mothers prepare an evening meal

in the distance a siren sounds and music bumps
a car speeds and a babka strolls

look downward through my cage
and see a woman with her head over her balcony
her friend who's back is to the ground
face looking straight up
afternoon face to face conversation
high rise style

a group of children with tie-on roller skates ride by below
the last one directs his remote control car with low batteries
"Pockajte!" he yells in frustration
as they roll ahead, impatient with dying batteries

the sound I'll give anything to hear when I'm gone
a faint, but loudly proclaimed
"AHOJ!" shouted from one child to another
with no restraint, as it bounces through the high rise concrete