Well it has been one week to the day since "The Worst Week Ever" technically started. I think all I told you last was that my car broke down and I had a bad week, right? Well I'll be more specific I guess. Sorry if I repeat anything I've already said, but I don't have the internet right now to check on what I've already said.

A few days before this on the way to Ohio, my car broke down and I paid $200 to get it towed and fixed. Miska and I went to Cleveland- it kinda sucked. (We had to drive this old Volvo into the city because mine was getting fixed. Except I couldn't open my door from the inside, so every time I wanted to get out, Miska had to get out, walk around, and open the car in a special way with her knee. Very funny every single time it happened. Also, the radio didn't work so we used my iPod and portable speakers instead. This isn't part of the Worst Week Ever, but I thought I'd add those photos)

The next week I decide to go home from Ohio. Wednesday morning my car broke down. I got it towed to an American car dealer (boo). At noon that day they said it was the radiator and wouldn't have it till 3. Then they said they wouldn't have a thermometer till the next morning. So I get a cheap hotel. (The only one within miles). The train across the road which was 50 feet away kept me up all night. The next day by noon they say it's not the radiator, but the head gasket, which is a $1,450 expense. Called my mom. She says get a rental, sell the car and come home. The dealer finally agrees to give me an hour ride away to Cleveland to get a rental. I get the car, and on my way home my mom says I should stay in Ohio till I sell the car and don't come home yet. I cry cause that means I can't leave yet. I go back to Miska's house 30 minutes away to stay for 2 more nights. I transfer everything I own (because I was in the middle of moving back to NC) in the rental. I put my car on Craigslist.com and sell it over $1,000 less than what I think I could have gotten for it. I go home 3 days after I expected- had a good ride home in my rental car- I was okay with the situation, sort of. An hour before I get home in Winston-Salem I get a speeding ticket. I cry again. I get home and go to bed. I get up 'cause I'm starving. I go get a piece of ham and cheese. Both pieces are spoiled rotten. I say "screw it" and eat cookies and milk and go to bed. A few days later I get the flu. So here I am, sick as a dog, no car, broke as a joke, paying for a car I don't have. YAY!!
(To the left is the waiting room I sat in for 2 days)

I say all that really just to vent and explain what happened to everyone's that's been asking, not to complain or request pity. As for my car... man, I loved that car. It was kinda great. Not too truck-like, not too car-like, 4-wheel drive, could carry lotsa' crap in and on top of it, could put down the seats and make a bed... If it wasn't for the head gasket I would have kept that thing for a long time. Stupid thing. So now I have to figure out what to do for a car. I can borrow my step-dad's truck for a little while, but I gotta decide whether to buy a car or try and find someone who has one that I can rent. So if you're out there and have a car to let someone borrow, holla'!!

I started work yesterday watching kids over at Camp Chestnut Ridge. I'm starting out just watching a 1 year old and 4 year old, though if I want I can volunteer for other jobs like cooking in the kitchen for large groups or environmental education.
Yeah, my head hurts now so I'm gonna leave. Peace out.

More pics on Facebook if you're interested!


Petra said...

now some random dude got your cute little car with a Slovak sticker on it and he's probably wondering if it's some middle-eastern country and if he should take it off.
Miska has cute gloves!