Does hail scare the daylights out of anybody but me?! I hate it, I turn into a baby when it comes. I'm sitting here on my computer watching Lost before bedtime, and it's thundering and lightning out. No big whoop, I love thunderstorms very much. So I get up and start thinking about where my camera is so I can take pictures of the lightning.

All of the sudden I hear a tick..... tick.........tick tick....tick tick tick......BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!! Hail pours from the sky right into my window it seems, and so hard and fast I fear it's going to break my windows. I don't care who ya' are, hail is scary. It's funny how adrenaline works, no? I think so. I mean, for me hail is really not cool because there have been a ton of tornadoes lately and sometimes hail can come before tornadoes.

(This doesn't look that big but they're hard as rocks so when they slam against your windows it's not nice)

My step dad and mom were in their room but not sleeping before this, and I hear Tom say "Get dressed and go to the basement" (cause he heard the wind blow so hard it sounded like a train which is what tornadoes sound like) Adrenaline kicked in- get dressed, get shoes, pack up computer and backpack, find camera, make sure there's battery power, leave everything else. Afterwards I found it funny how I was thinking worst case scenario situations, like a tornado comes and we're trapped in the flippin' basement for days or something. All this time the hail is just pounding on the roof and all the windows around me, and it sounds like thousands of rocks are being thrown at them.

(The ground torn up a bit)

We go downstairs and get flashlights, everyone is dressed, and we start to think about going to the basement. I flip on the TV to make sure there aren't any tornadoes reported and there weren't at the time. Just then the hail stopped. I go outside and see what kind of damage there was. It was pretty mild, just hail on the porch and ground, leaves everywhere, ground torn up.

Thanks God it was only hail and no tornado! I'm wide awake now and won't sleep for a while :)

(Just a quick shot of the light through the trees when I was outside checking things out)


Seggi said...

I've no problem with the hail, but I'd definitely have problem with tornado!!!!

Ande Truman said...

Ever seen that movie Twister? For a long time when I was young I wanted to be a tornado chaser haha. Pretty fascinating! Are there any/many tornadoes in Ireland?