I was talking with a friend the other day about gay marriage, and how or why we agree or disagree with it. We both definitely disagreed with it, but the question of whether or not the government should have a say in whether or not it's illegal was another question. It wasn't as easy of a question to answer.

So that got me thinking about some other things. It got me thinking about things which we as Christians and/or human beings know to be morally wrong but are or aren't regulated by the government. Should the government have the power to police actions done by people that are seen as immoral by certain individuals? If we allow the government to oversee moral
laws, are we inhibiting freedom? If the government stops overseeing moral laws, is this the beginning of the desensitization of our society?

Again, for me this is not a cut and dry, black and white question. In general I carry an attitude of letting people do whatever they want, as long as it's not illegal or negatively affecting other people. But I wonder how close to this gray line I can really get without putting the biblical morals in jeopardy.

Gay marriage is the first one in question. Gay rights, whatever the crap that's
supposed to mean, polygamy, incest, drug use, etc. These are personal decisions that, although are poor choices and a sure way to screw up your life, do not directly negatively affect others. They can be done in private.

Then there are the things I think SHOULD be regulated (either allowed or not allowed) by the government, simply because these decisions DIRECTLY affect someone else who does not have the age or knowledge to make their own decisions--such as abortion, homeschooling, crime, immigration, etc.

So when people say anything about gay marriage, I want to shake my head and say 'What's this world coming to'...so it's not a matter of whether I agree with it or not, let me be clear, but whether people should have the freedom to screw up their lives and do terrible things without the government trying to regulate it.

On the other hand, I struggle with this idea of knowing that homosexuality is unnatural and unbiblical. So for me, I look at the society's eventual acceptance of gay marriage spiraling downwards into all sorts of ridiculous things---like marrying two animals together (a current practice with a real priest really taking place!).

So if we use this logic of 'I love this person/thing so much so I should be able to marry it- the Bible isn't relevant in this debate because the Bible is false- therefore I should be able to marry anything I love." So what does that mean marriage will look like in 50 years? Humans marrying animals? Humans marrying trees? Dogs marrying bones? I mean seriously, if we start muddying up the lines of marital sanctity now, what do you expect our society to accept in a century?

Suddenly marriage has lost all of it's beauty and sanctity- suddenly we've distorted marriage
into something that it was never intended to be- something unnatural- more of a stubborn statement to the government than the real unity of a man and a woman joined together in a bound relationship that is designed to procreate and form natural families and continue the human race for years and years.

To me, this is the beginning of a relativist view- do whatever's good for you and I'll do whatever's good for me and we'll all be fine and dandy.

And I might as well take this opportunity to tell you that I don't believe gay couples should be able to adopt kids. Coming from someone who has not only grown up with a broken family, with most of her friends coming from broken families, and from someone who's done research on how the product of a broken family grows up to live- it is a huge mistake. Screw rights. Selfish people like that don't understand how their decisions will affect their adopted children.

Yet as I'm writing that, I'm thinking to myself, "But there are so many kids out there who desperately need to be adopted, and if the gay couple can love them should they should be allowed?" That still seems so wrong to me though! I just can't agree.

Okay, these were kind of random thoughts, but I really really have to go and can't finish that thought cause I'm very late for something but if you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment.