One weirdish thing about me is that I'm totally fascinated with books, movies and music about drug addictions and severe psychological problems. Most of my favorite books have some element of these things. Well I was reacquainted with a movie yesterday called Girl Interrupted, starring Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Brittney Murphy, Jared Leto, Whoopi Goldberg, and more. I forgot how much I liked it.

It's basically about Susanna (Winona Ryder) who graduates high school and falls into a deep depression. She downs a bottle of liquor and a bottle of medication, hoping to kill herself. She's sent off to a mental institution in hopes to be healed. She ends up befriending a group of fellow patients who all have their own major issues too. One thing I noticed this time around watching it was that Susanna first doesn't want to go to the mental ward- she claims she doesn't have problems. Yet, as the movies goes along and she starts making connections with the other patients and seeing their humanity instead of them equaling their problems. As the film progresses she starts to believe that she's crazy. 3/4 of the way through she even told a guy not to get involved with her because she's crazy. I had never noticed the first few times watching it. Here's a section of the film you can check out. Sorry for the language and crassness of it. I really tried to find a clip that wasn't this crude, but it just wouldn't communicate it well. I especially like Angelina Jolie's character and she reminds me of someone.

If you want to read a great book about this kind of thing, also check out A Million Little Pieces, The Bell Jar, and Go Ask Alice. These are 3 of my favorite books. You can go to these links and see some of the insides of them.

By the way, if you like this kind of movie, check out One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest with early Jack Nicholson. Great film.