Summer camp kitchen staff is another world compared to retreat group kitchen staff where I work. I've been cooking for retreat groups for a while now and it's great because I have a whole commercial kitchen at my disposal and it's nice to take charge and be creative with what I serve.

However... from here on out, things are gonna be a little different. The kitchen staff at camp is...different. It's like a sorority of seasoned cooks who spend their whole lives working in kitchens cooking for hundreds of kids. So we got a few new people who haven't worked with me yet. I call this sorority Alpha Jemima. If you don't get it, ask me....

I tell ya, these women give me the dirtiest looks EVER, like "WHO is that white girl and WHAT on earth is she cookin'?!" Seriously, I'm not exaggerating, two days in a row all 3 of the other women cooks have STOPPED what they're doing, stood and leaned against a wall or counter, and stared at me as I do my work for at least 5 minutes! No lie.

Today I had to make cake. Well, just cake is lame. So I made white cake and chocolate cake batter and poured them in the pans to look like marble. Then I made frosting with chocolate bar in it with marshmallows on top then chocolate syrup. It was so sweet I wanted to throw up, but I tell ya the kids looooved it and the kitchen staff looked at me like I had just discovered the holy grail.

Looking at the time I got to work at 3 pm yesterday till the time we shut down the kitchen tonight, it's already been a huge change. Before when I'd make a suggestion they would give me the evil eye that might as well say "Who do you think you are?". Now, they're asking me for suggestions and how to cook stuff. I'm glad we got it clear that I'm not a moron, cause if they would have kept giving me an attitude like that it would have been a looooong summer. So, I think I've been accepted in Alpha Jemima.

Anyway, the kind of food we serve sucks usually cause it's for 110-225 people. What I mean by that is that the food isn't terrible, but it's not the kind of food that I'm passionate about preparing and serving. Yep.
If you wanna see pictures of this week at camp...